Tucson Folk Singers: Remembering Clyde Appleton

October 25, 2015
Tucson Folk Singers: Remembering Clyde Appleton
30 Minutes
Tucson Folk Singers: Remembering Clyde Appleton

Oct 25 2015 |


Show Notes

Remembering-Clyde-AppletonToday on 30 Minutes, we remember Clyde Appleton. At the Folk Festival in May, 2013, local folk singer and organizer Ted Warmbrand convened members of the Tucson Folk Singers to document their stories. In early October, 2015 a leader of the Tucson Folk Singers Clyde Appleton passed away. There will be a memorial on Sunday, November 8th at 2pm at Southside Presbyterian Church 317 West 23rd Street.

The Tucson Folksingers gathered monthly from 1955 to 1962. Although the group itself was not overtly political, individuals from the group made many principled stands such as participation in demonstrations, draft resistance, and refusal to sign Arizona’s loyalty oath. The group also hosted many prominent national artists.

Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger. Another version of this piece was broadcast in November, 2013.


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