Get Out The Vote and Speakers Bureau

August 23, 2020 00:26:28
Get Out The Vote and Speakers Bureau
30 Minutes
Get Out The Vote and Speakers Bureau

Aug 23 2020 | 00:26:28


Show Notes

On Sunday, August 23, 2020, Rex Graham, Chair of the League Get Out the Vote Committee, spoke about our project of partnering with nonprofit organizations to distribute voter information cards (how/where to register and encouragement to vote) sponsored by both the League and the partner organization for their members. Additionally, Cindy Soffrin of the League’s Speakers Bureau will talk about the many topic presentations the League offers to community organizations and how COVID-19 has changed the delivery process.


KXCI Community Radio is pleased to partner with The League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson to provide a series of shows called Your Arizona Voting Guide leading up to the general election on November 3rd. This weekly half-hour series will air at 3:30 p.m. on Sundays beginning August 16th.

During any election season, we always can count on a bombardment of political ads that tell us all the wonderful things every candidate has done and everything that’s wrong with their opponent. In addition, all too often, political consultants advise their candidates not to accept invitations to participate in public forums with their opponents to lessen the chance they’ll say something off-script. That results in very limited opportunities to hear directly from candidates and limits voter access to information about candidates and their positions on issues to scripted ads and sound bites.

During the lead up to the November 3rd General Election, the League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson is interviewing candidates for the Arizona Corporation Commission, which is a State of Arizona office. In addition, the League will interview candidates running for Pima County offices: Sheriff, Recorder, and Treasurer. League member, Vivian Harte, serves as host of the program. To aid voters in making informed decisions at the polls, candidates for each respective position are being asked the same questions. KXCI 91.3 FM Community Radio is partnering with the League to air these interviews with the community.

In addition, members of the League will be interviewed about various topics, including what to know about registering to vote in Pima County, ballot propositions, getting out the vote during the COVID-19 pandemic, speeches offered by the League, and League activities promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

CONTACT: Vivian Harte, [email protected], 520-327-7652

Recorded and produced by 30 Minutes Producer Amanda Shauger.

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