Are you ready to vote on the five propositions that will be on the ballot for the general election this November? If not, this is the show you need to listen closely to. The five propositions cover everything from the type of energy your utility will use to whether all students can apply to get state money to go to private schools to whether the state or local governments can tax services. Betsy Bolding, a long-time League of Women Voters member, describes each proposition in depth. The Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation and the League of Women Voters of Arizona Education Fund have jointly prepared a guide to Arizona’s 2018 ballot measures which can be found here.
League member Vivian Harte serves as host of the program. To aid voters in making informed decisions at the polls, candidates for each respective position are being asked the same questions. KXCI 91.3 FM Community Radio is partnering with the League to air these interviews with the community.
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