Today’s show features everything you need to know about registering to vote. League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson Voter Registration Coordinator Sue Webb-Lukomski relates how to register to vote, where to register, and what date you must be registered in order to vote in the upcoming general election. (Hint, it’s October 9th.) League members Noreen Geyer-Kordosky and Frances Pardes inform us about National Voter Registration Day on September 25th and the proclamations of the City of Tucson and Pima County celebrating voting. Mrs. Green rounds out the show with her take on the importance of voting.
This is Part 2 of an 8 Part Series during the lead up to the 2018 November 6th General Election in which the League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson will interview candidates for State of Arizona offices. In addition, members of the League will be interviewed about topics that affect voters on local and national levels, including, what to know about registering to vote in Pima County, ballot propositions, voter suppression/voter expansion, removing voters from voter rolls, gerrymandering, restitution of voting rights (felons voting), election integrity, and the importance of every vote.
League member Vivian Harte serves as host of the program. To aid voters in making informed decisions at the polls, candidates for each respective position are being asked the same questions. KXCI 91.3 FM Community Radio is partnering with the League to air these interviews with the community.
Recorded and produced by 30 Minutes host Amanda Shauger.
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