Keeping The Promise: A Community Panel on the Voting Rights Act

August 23, 2015
Keeping The Promise: A Community Panel on the Voting Rights Act
30 Minutes
Keeping The Promise: A Community Panel on the Voting Rights Act

Aug 23 2015 |


Show Notes

Voting-Rights-Act-Image On August 6th, 1965, President Johnson signed the voting rights act. Here in Tucson, Congressman Raul Grijalva convened an event entitled Keeping The Promise, A Community Panel on the Voting Rights Act at the Tucson YWCA. Speakers discussed the promise it continues to hold for countless Americans, and the ongoing efforts to undermine that promise 50 years after it became law. Speakers include Congressman Grijalva, followed by former Ombudsman for Pima County on Aging Stewart Grabel, and Attorney Vince Rabago.

This is part 1 of a multipart series recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger

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