Engage! Tucson Responds to Marriage Equality Decision

June 28, 2015
Engage! Tucson Responds to Marriage Equality Decision
30 Minutes
Engage! Tucson Responds to Marriage Equality Decision

Jun 28 2015 |


Show Notes

Engage 30 Minutes features Tucson community voices in response to the Supreme Court’s historic 5-4 decision in favor of marriage equality. On Friday, June 26th, 2015, a large coalition mobilized to create a block party celebration called Engage! on Scott Avenue between Congress and Pennington. Former State representative Demion Clinco was the MC. Tucson’s Men’s Chorus Reveille and Tucson’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and ally chorus Desert Voices began the official program with The Star Spangled Banner.

Speakers include: Jennifer Hoefle Olson and Kelli Olson, successful plaintiffs in Lambda Legal’s case against Arizona’s discriminatory marriage ban; Pima County Commissioner Richard Elias, Tucson City Council Member Karin Uhlich, Sunnyside School Board member Daniel Hernandez, John Jackson and Bill Haller; Southern Arizona Gender Alliance Board Member and Pima County Public Defender Abby Jensen; SAGA Board Member and Equality Arizona Board Member Michael Woodward; Tucson GLBT Chamber President Joseph Howell, and Arizona for All organizer Pete King.


Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger.

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