City High Radio Corona Virus Diaries 3

May 10, 2020 00:29:10
City High Radio Corona Virus Diaries 3
30 Minutes
City High Radio Corona Virus Diaries 3

May 10 2020 | 00:29:10


Show Notes

Today we’ll be hearing stories from City High Radio, an award-winning youth radio program run by teacher Sarah Bromer at City High School in downtown Tucson. The first story for today is called “Our Generation, Our Climate,” and it was produced by students Julia Ortiz and Cougar Miller. City High Junior Pilar Lopez produced “What’s On Your Bucket List?”

Now that schools are closed for the rest of the year, City High Radio students have been recording audio diaries about what life is like in quarantine. Contributors include: City High Senior Turtle Lewis, Julia Ortiz, Geronimo Sanchez, and Nigel VanPelt.

To hear more stories from City High Radio, check out their podcast. It’s called City High Radio, and you can find it on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Assembled by Amanda Shauger with elements submitted by Sarah Bromer.

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