Today on 30 Mintues, Excerpts from the 2014 Tucson Festival of Books Nuestras Raices, a program of the Pima County Library sponsored the panel entitled Borderlands Productions, Queer Migrations, and Counter Movements. Today, we continue with the second half of the panel, and the second portion of a presentation by Adela C. Licona, Associate Professor and Director of the Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English program at the University of Arizona. Later in the program, we’ll hear from Karma Chavez, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. The panel explores how ongoing border policing shapes the experiences, struggles and counter-movements of migrants, people of color and queer activists.
Maritza Cardenas introduces the speakers. This is part 2 of a 2 part series.
Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger.
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