30 Minutes focuses on Tucson’s Community Take Back the Night 2017. Take Back the Night Planning Committee members Monserrat Caballero and Casey Chimneystar Condit spoke about the event taking place on Wednesday, April 12th from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the City of South Tucson Municipal Complex, 1601 South 6th Avenue, on the corner of South 6th Avenue and 26th Street.
Take Back the Night is an annual event celebrated around the world to speak out against sexual violence, raise awareness, and support survivors. The first Take Back the Night in the United States took place in 1973. The Tucson community takes pride in their efforts to observe and honor this tradition each year. More information can be found here.
The event features a march, candle light vigil, music, dance, survivor speak out, poetry, resource fair, speakers and more. Monserrat and Casey also addressed resources for survivors as well as ways that everyone can help.
Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger.
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