Today on 30 Minutes, we’ll hear excerpts from an April 2015 presentation convened by the YWCA Tucson as part of their ongoing Community Discussion on Mass Incarceration and how it affects our community. This session features formerly incarcerated Sue Ellen Allen, author of The Slumber Party from Hell.
This is part two of a two part series. Special thanks to Hilary Eschelman for recording this presentation.
Due to the ever growing numbers of neighbors who are being incarcerated as well as the collateral consequences therein; the YWCA feels that this conversation is part of their social Advocacy work and our mission of Eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
This set of workshops are part of the YWCA’s ongoing year long Campaign for Racial Justice, held in conjunction with Tucson Urban League, The Center for Community Dialogue, a program of Our Family Services, Naacp Tucson Chapter and the Black Women’s Task Force – Tucson.
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