Growing Up Latino in the United States- Memoirs from the 2014 Festival of Books features Red-Inked Retablos author Rigoberto Gonzalez and Walking Home Growing Up Hispanic in Houston author Sarah Cortez reading from their memoirs and discussing how their writing chronicles cultural and spiritual heritages , identities and personal journeys. The panel was moderated by Toby Wehner. This is part one of a two part series. This segment was recorded on March 15, 2014 and was originally broadcast on April 20, 2014.
This panel was hosted by Pima County Public Library’s Nuestras Raíces Tent at the 2014 Tucson Festival of Books. Nuestras Raíces’s mission is: Celebrating Mexican-American Authors, Arts and Culture. Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger.
Today on 30 Minutes, our multipart series continues with excerpts from Living DACAmented with Tucson based organizer and activist Jessica Rodriguez. This presentation was...
In They Persisted: A Journey Towards Home Part 2 acclaimed authors Julissa Arce, Reyna Grande, and Jean Guerrero continue to explore the pathways they...
In Pima County and Arizona, diagnosed positive COVID-19 cases are on the rise. Emergency room and ICU beds are reaching capacity because of a...