30 Minutes features Friends of Reid Park Executive Director Tzadik Rosenberg-Greenberg updating the community on the Expand Reid Park campaign including their upcoming appearance on the agenda for the City of Tucson Parks and Recreation Commission on December 3rd from 3:30-5:30pm and the concurrent launch of their Park Superhero Program.
The group believes that Tucson needs to have a great iconic park in central Tucson which may improve business at El Con Mall, increase property values in the surrounding neighborhoods, encourage investment in the empty lots on 22nd street, and help attract and retain U of A graduates and companies to invest in the area.
Today on 30 Minutes we’ll hear remarks made at the 2018 Tucson Festival of Books at the Nuestras Raices stage, which was curated by...
This week we are proud to feature a session from the 2019 Tucson Festival of Books curated by Pima County Public Library’s Nuestras Raices...
30 Minutes continues with a panel discussion entitled ART, RESISTANCE, & SURVIVAL from the 2018 Tucson Festival of Books held at the Social and ...